2015 Elections Announcement


SSSBE Elections for new Board to be held in Jeddah and Riyadh-Cast your vote and leave

Thursday, Oct 22nd, 2015, 5-9 PM

Jeddah-King Faisal Exhibit Hall, King Abdulaziz University 

Riyadh-Medical College, King Saud University, 


Since there was no quorum established in Oct 15th general body meeting, the election committee announced a new date to hold the elections for a new board in both Jeddah and Riyadh (just cast your vote and leave), on Thursday Oct 22nd, 2015 5:00 - 9:00 PM.

For more info contact

Jeddah, Marwan 0508997114

Riyad, Ahmad 0555067707

 Meeting Agenda (vote on):

1-Approving launching Riyadh branch.

2-Approving launching Dammam branch.

3-Requesting KAU president to agree to allow non KAU staff to become society president.

4-Approving financial statement by independent auditor

5-Electing the new board


-Nominees from KAU (according to MOHE regulations, need to select three)

1-Dr Bandar Hakeem (Assistant professor, EE/BME)

 2-Dr Magdi Alnowaimi (Assistant professor, Nuclear Eng/Medical Physics)

3-Dr Nazeeh Alothmany (Assistant professor, EE/BME)

4-Dr Yasser Kadah (Professor, EE/BME)

-Nominees outside KAU (need to select 6 six)

1-Ahmed Abdulmajid Qashgari -GE Medical

2-Hatim Yousif Najjar - GE Medical

3-Ibrahim Nematallah Andijani -Armed Forces Hospital -Riyadh

4-Mamdouh Monshi -Ministry of Health

5-Mamdouh Al-Shanqiti -GE Medical

6-Mohammed Bani Al-Harthi - Ministry of Health

7-Raafat Mohammed Salamah - Saudi Health Services

8-Rami Mohammad Felemban -Alfaisaliya Health
9-Sultan Abdullah Al-Shammari -Ministry of Health
10-Tawfeeq Mohammed Saigl - Ministry of Health


Last Update
10/17/2015 8:45:51 PM

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